If you’re reading this, you found the secret room. π
There are cookies. πͺπͺπͺ

“You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he be willing to climb a little himself.”
– Andrew Carnegie

The secret to good documentation is to write it while you’re writing the code. You are your first audience. Explain what you’re doing to yourself. Future you will thank you!

I occasionally revisit previous blog posts and update them with things I’ve learned (and why not? No dead trees here!). One of my top-visited posts on iteration in Python just got an update!
Read it here π Iteration in Python: for, list, and map

First emails from SimpleSubscribe.org go out today! Hope they look good π apparently CSS in emails is a whole iceberg of complexity.

Hello, do come in! If you’re reading this on my website, you may notice I’ve spruced up a bit. Victoria.dev can now better respond to your devices and preferences!
Most modern devices and web browsers allow users to choose either a light or dark theme for the user interface. With CSS β¦

You can now subscribe to my email list on victoria.dev! Here’s how I lovingly built a subscription sign up flow with email confirmation that doesn’t suck. You can too.
Introducing Simple Subscribe
If you’re interested in managing your own mailing list or newsletter, you can set up β¦

Nothing alleviates boredom snacking quite so well as centering things in CSS.

Without iteration, we cease to exist.