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751 days ago

If you’re “paying” attention to something, you ought to be getting value in the exchange.

photo of the author

759 days ago

11/10 times the problem is user input error

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760 days ago

Tools like Travis CI and Netlify offer some pretty nifty features, like seamlessly deploying your GitHub Pages site when changes are pushed to its repository. Along with a static site generator like Hugo, keeping a blog up to date is pretty painless.

I’ve used Hugo to build my site for years, …

#ci/cd #git

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774 days ago

I sometimes see birds walking and think they must not be very excited about wherever it is they’re going.

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776 days ago

RT if you also have a git branch named “0v”

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783 days ago

What I really want out of face-recognition technology is software that blanks my screen if it detects a face other than my own looking at it. Instead, I get Animojis. Glad we’ve got our priorities straight.

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787 days ago

Debugging practice challenge: When you have three VSC windows open and you sneeze and accidentally press a key and you can’t tell which pane had focus.

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792 days ago

I’m not that hard to please. I see proper error handling, I am HTTP 200.

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795 days ago

Google translate camera app, but for Asian food

photo of the author

798 days ago

I’d use npm more often but my heart’s just not init