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637 days ago

“I run Linux” is basically “I drive stick” for nerds. 🤩

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639 days ago

I know I’m really excited about the thing I’m working on when I get so hungry that I can’t concentrate any longer and have to stop to make food, but mostly I’m annoyed that I can’t make food and type at the same time.

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639 days ago

In my recent post about setting up Ubuntu with Bash scripts, I briefly alluded to the magic of .bashrc. This didn’t really do it justice, so here’s a quick post that offers a bit more detail about what the Bash configuration file can do.

My current configuration hugely improves my …

#linux #terminal #git

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641 days ago

One of my most favorite things about open source files on GitHub is the ability to see how others do (what some people might call) mundane things, like set up their .bashrc and other dotfiles. While I’m not as enthusiastic about ricing as I was when I first came to the Linux side, I still get …

#linux #terminal

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653 days ago

Search and replace a word in Vim:


The % indicates to look in all lines of the current file; s is for substitute; \<word\> matches the whole word; and the g is for globally, ie. every occurrence.

Or use gc at the end there, if you want to confirm (c) each change.

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653 days ago

Me: echo --help

Computer: --help


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654 days ago

Few things are more satisfying to me than one elegant line of Bash that automates hours of tedious work. As part of some recent explorations into automatically re-creating my laptop with Bash scripts, I wanted to find a way to easily clone my GitHub-hosted repositories to a new machine. After a bit …

#terminal #linux #git #data

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657 days ago

Sooo if you sudo apt remove python3 on Ubuntu, the desktop goes away. 🥺

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop brings it back. 😄

photo of the author

658 days ago

A quick way to clone a list of @GitHub repos.

Given a file, repos.txt with a repository’s SSH link on each line (and your SSH keys set up), run:

xargs -n1 git clone < repos.txt

Will clone all repositories into the current folder.

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660 days ago

I wonder how tomatoes feel about being dipped in ketchup