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January 20, 2021

Want your own website but not sure how to start? Read this for options for every level of coder, from no-code to fullstack and completely free to paid.

You can use a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) site builder like Carrd to create a simple single page site, like a list of links to some of your projects or a few of your portfolio pieces. It’s dirt cheap at just $ for a year.

For a more feature-rich site with content, like a blog or full portfolio, try Webflow. Start for free and upgrade to a paid plan when it makes sense. Even if you pay for just one month, you can then export your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so you’ll own your own code and can host it anywhere.

Just starting your coding journey? You can use GitHub Pages and the Jekyll Theme Chooser if you want to own all your content files, for free. Write Markdown files, put them in a GitHub repository, then simply choose a few settings to build and host your site with GitHub Pages. As you learn to use Git and write your own code, your site’s GitHub repository grows with you.

Know how to open a terminal but don’t necessarily have great design chops? Use a static site generator like Hugo with a beautiful pre-made theme from the open source community. Creating a feature-rich site is as easy as making folders with Markdown content files and choosing configuration options in your text editor. As you grow your web dev skills, all your source code is at your fingertips to modify and extend as you please.

You know how to code you own site, but for some reason just haven’t gotten around to it. Consider this your kick in the butt! Start with a static site generator like Hugo, Jekyll, or Eleventy to take most of the mundane workload off your hands. Get right to the fun stuff like creating your site pages, blog, or modifying a theme.

Once you’re ready to start exploring IndieWeb technologies, use services like and Bridgy to easily bring social interactions to your own home on the web, just like on this page.

Whatever route you take, buy your own domain name – and use it! That way, even if you change hosting services, technologies, or even registrars, folks will always know where to find your home on the web. Get one from Namecheap via my referral link if you’ve appreciated this post.