Victoria Drake

January 1, 2021

Many folks in the US are just trying to make ends meet, but many other folks are doing all right. If you’re in the latter category, here’s how you can help make things better for everyone.

Buy local. Buy American. Ask if it’s made in the USA.

Pay for independent news sources. Pay for indie apps and games. Get paid subscriptions to your favorite newsletters and creators. Purchase products they advertise through their referrals.

Frequent your local independent businesses for household staples like coffee and baked goods, and handmade items. Shop makers in your state by using sites like Etsy or Amazon Handmade. Pay more if it’s made next door.

Eat at local independent restaurants, or get takeout and food delivery. Double up on orders and put some in the freezer for a quick meal during the week.

If you need it, like it, and if something adds value to your life – make the effort to get it locally, and give money to the people you want to succeed.